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Get a high grade for your faith

Get a high grade for your faith

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Program license: Free

Version: 1.0

Works under: Windows

Also available for Mac


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  • Engaging narrative with deep psychological elements
  • Unique art style that enhances the game's themes
  • First-person perspective that strengthens character connection


  • Speaker identification can be confusing
  • Horror elements might be too abrupt for some players
  • Lacks prior warning for flashing images and loud noises

ARCHANGEL:NEMESIS – A Haunting Tale of Faith and Fear

A Divergent Blend of Religion, Education, and Horror

ARCHANGEL:NEMESIS emerges as a distinctive role-playing video game that merges the seemingly innocuous life of a teenage girl with the unsettling undertones of psychological horror. Developed by team★CPU and distributed by MAVERSSOFT, the game plunges players into a narrative-driven experience that explores the consequences of a stifling religious upbringing in a modern-day visual novel format.

The Constraints of Devotion

The game's central figure, Twigs, is a 13-year-old girl embarking on a new chapter at a different educational institution. Raised in a profoundly conservative and religious environment, her family is deeply entwined with the influential LoveCorp, which helms the Church of Mother religion that dominates her life. Twigs' preparations for school are overshadowed by a hesitance and aversion towards her monotonous faith-centric education, which she finds increasingly claustrophobic and restrictive.

Visual Novel Mechanics with a Twist

In typical visual novel fashion, ARCHANGEL:NEMESIS primarily has players journeying through the story by clicking through dialogues and making occasional choices that influence the course of events. A notable divergence from the genre's standard, the text in ARCHANGEL:NEMESIS overlays the graphics directly, perhaps not aligning with expectations of polish but strangely complementing the offbeat tone of the game. While some may critique the 3D artwork and character designs as basic, it aligns surprisingly well with the thematic elements, fostering a unique ambiance.

The gameplay offers a first-person perspective, immersing players deeply into Twigs' introspections and experiences, augmented by textual idiosyncrasies that reflect her youthful voice. One counterpoint, however, is that the innovative design choice does present a challenge in discerning the speaker during dialogues, which can momentarily pull the player out of the immersive experience.

Unexpected Horrors Within

While ARCHANGEL:NEMESIS is veiled as a coming-of-age tale set against a religious backdrop, its authentic essence is that of a horror game. Unprepared players may find themselves startled by sudden loud noises and rapid flashes that are employed for dramatic effect within the narrative. These elements could have been better signposted, as they stand in stark contrast to the slower-paced exploration of Twigs' life.

Despite its shock elements, the storytelling anchors the game firmly, reeling in those captivated by the unraveling mystery and the psychological elements at play. Players will piece together the tale of Twigs' life, which grows increasingly more complicated and horrific as the story progresses.


ARCHANGEL:NEMESIS traverses uncharted terrain as it interlaces the introspective turmoil of a young girl with an oppressive religious backdrop. The game's art style may necessitate an adjustment period for new players, but the strength of its narrative is bound to keep them hooked. While the text overlay design choice may slightly impede dialogue clarity and the horror elements could benefit from clear warnings, the game stands strong as an enticing narrative experience.


  • Engaging narrative with deep psychological elements
  • Unique art style that enhances the game's themes
  • First-person perspective that strengthens character connection


  • Speaker identification can be confusing
  • Horror elements might be too abrupt for some players
  • Lacks prior warning for flashing images and loud noises